Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.1Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.2Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.3Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.4Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.5Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Panel 22.6
Afterlife Inc. | Imitation of Life | Page 22


Imitation of Life – Page 28

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I hope you enjoy this first peek at the new volume. Want to see more? Become a Special Employee today for just £2 a month to gain advance access to new pages, as well as a host of special features. Your support really means the world.

New website, new era!

Hi folks! Well, this is something. Welcome to the new and improved - a new website for a new year, a new era and a new volume.

In a decade or so of making comics, I’ve worn many hats: writer, producer, social media guy… all to varying levels of success (although hopefully I’ve made a dent with the whole writing thing). Of all the roles I’ve had to assume, ‘web designer’ is by the far the one with which I’ve felt least comfortable. Oh, I’ve picked up some tricks over the years. Some html here, a bit of CSS there… For the most part, however, I’ve been operating at the limit of my abilities. Frankly, it’s amazing this website worked as well as it did given that it was held together with glue and wire behind the scenes.

Thankfully, those days are behind me. It’s been a pleasure working with Brian from Toocheke over the last few months to develop an updated version of the site. Key features, aside from a fresh design, include faster load times and an improved reading experience on desktop and mobile.

There’s even a wonderful new feature that allows comic pages to appear in a different format depending on the screen you’re viewing them on. Load the page on desktop and you get the standard layout; load it on mobile and the page switches to ‘column view’, which is both easier to read on to go and popular with all kids on their Webtoons and such. It’s going to take a while to work through the back catalogue and convert every page into the new format, but you can see the new functionality in action here. Go on, give it a try. It’s delightful.

Antumnos Page 3 | Story by Jon Lock | Artwork by Rich Elson | Letters by Simon Bowland | 2000AD

Read Antumnos in 2000AD

Did you know that I have a story out in 2000AD Magazine? Well, I do, it’s called Antumnos, and you can read it in Issue 2387 - out now!

For those not in the know, 2000AD is something of a UK comics institution, having spawned characters such as Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog, and more big name creators than you can shake a stick at. We don’t have a big comics industry in the UK… in fact, it’s practically non-existent… but if you had to put one title at the top of the pile, it would be 2000AD, which has been proudly flying the comics flag for over 50 years.

It’s a real honour to have my work featured in 2000AD - not least because it was an opportunity to work with artist Rich Elson (Spider-Man, Thor, Pacific Rim) whose work has been a big source of inspiration over the years and whom I’m proud to consider a friend. A big shout out also to Simon Bowland for the stellar work lettering Antumnos. It was a new experience relinquishing control to an editor and production team, but with Simon at the helm meshing script and art together, I knew I was in safe hands.

Want to read more about Antumnos and how it came to be? Check out this great interview I did with Richard Bruton for the 2000AD website.

Volume 7 - Imitation of Life

Perhaps the biggest announcement to make is that work is underway on Afterlife Inc. Volume 7: Imitation of Life - thanks in no small part to a National Lottery Project Grant from Arts Council England. In addition to helping to fund production on the new book, this grant has allowed me to deliver a series of free comic-making workshops in my hometown of Gloucester. 

A key part of the Art Council’s mission is to make art and culture available to everyone. Comics are ‘low art’ - as far removed from high culture as possible - and frequently dismissed as cheap, disposable or irrelevant. And yet, these are the stories that stick with us. The characters that we love. Comics are for everyone and if I can help empower the next generation of creators, even in a small way, I’ll consider my time well spent.

Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Imitation of Life

Doubly exciting is the ability to work on Afterlife Inc. again after what feels like a lifetime. Producing Afterlife Inc. has always been a major undertaking. After years of planning, scheming and preparation, it’s wonderful to finally have the resources together to begin the final phase of Jack’s saga. Featuring artwork by the amazing team of Raffaele Ricciardi and JP Jordan, Volume 7 is shaping up to be something truly special - not least because it marks the beginning of the end for everyone’s favourite undead company.

Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Imitation of Life

After six volumes, one crossover and two omnibuses, it’s time to start paying off 12 years’ worth of mysteries. Don’t worry, it’s not over yet (there are going to be nine volumes in total) but all roads now lead to the end.

Volume 7 will begin serialising here soon, just in time to take advantage of the new site. Don’t forget that Patrons get early access to content, along with exclusive special features. Get involved and become part of a company you can believe in for just £2/month!

Thanks folks. Watch this space!

Afterlife Inc. | Volume 7 | Imitation of Life

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