
The Great Gig in the Sky – Page 71

One of my favourite comics of all time is Grant Morrison and Richard Case's Doom Patrol. If you haven't read this particular run, I'm told that the TV series draws heavily on Morrison's ideas. Doom Patrol is surreal, at times terrifying, and ultimately heart-breaking. Without spoiling anything, the ending features a beautiful moment where our heroes, accompanied by the lost and the strange and everyone unable to find a place for themselves in the real world leave for... a better place. A world of wonder and imagination. Call it Oz or Wonderland. And as they go, everyone experiences a personal revelation, and everyone hears a different piece of music playing - one that would truly speak for them at the end of the world. It's a moment that stuck with me, and its an honour to leave a small tribute to it here, so many years later. New reader? Visit the archive and enter the world of Afterlife Inc.

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