
Imitation of Life – Page 6

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Meet the new boss...

Volume 7: Imitation of Life begins! A massive thank you to everyone for your patience while work has continued behind the scenes on this next chapter of Jack Fortune's grand adventure into corporate divinity. After six volumes and over 10 years, Jack's vision is looking less gilded by the day. All towers fall in time... and sometimes, all it takes is a push to finish the job.

Shout to to the incredible art team of Raffaele Ricciardi on art duties (whose work you might recognise from the covers to Volumes 4, 5 and 6), newcomer JP Jordan on colours (well, new to Afterlife Inc. at least... JP's incredible colours have graced a number of truly amazing comics over the years), and the wonderful Lucy Lock on letters. Comics are nothing if not collaborative and I'm so lucky to work with these amazing people.

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I hope you enjoy this first peek at the new volume. Want to see more? Become a Special Employee today for just £2 a month to gain advance access to new pages, as well as a host of special features. Your support really means the world.

Mobile madness

Reading this on mobile? Lucky you! Volume 7 is the first volume to take advantage of the website's awesome new feature (courtesy of super-designer LeeToo), which allows our pages to switch automatically between 'page' and 'column' view depending on the size of your screen. Give it a try! It's surprisingly modern.

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