
Volume 6 launches on Monday 1 June

After a hiatus of far, far too long, I'm happy to announce that Volume 6: The Great Gig in the Sky begins on Monday 1 June! The creative team on the new book, which includes myself and the amazing talents of V.V. Glass, Kariss Jones and Lucy Lock, has been working furiously behind the scenes these past few months, and while we hit a snag or two just before Christmas it's great to finally be back on track. I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting. Thanks for sticking with us while we put the work in! And now, a genuine question for you all. I've been thinking about how best to serialise Volume 6 online. We used to upload two new pages a week, usually with a day or so between instalments. As Afterlife Inc. is a long-form story, however, this definitely wasn't the best way to enjoy it - I know from my own experience how disappointing it can be to check in on a webcomic only to find that 'nothing happened' that day, even if it makes sense in the grand scheme of things. With this in mind, I'm thinking of uploading pages in chunks: five at a time, once every other week. This might be a bit uneven as publishing schedules go, but I hope it results in a more enjoyable reading experience. What's more, you still get more pages per month overall - 10 rather than eight. Maybe it's not great for SEO or rankings or whatever, but hey - we're not running as many ads anymore, so whatever. Let me know that you think, anyhow. If I don't hear differently, I'll run with the 'chunk' method - but if enough people have strong feels otherwise, we'll try something different. Can't wait to get more content out to you soon. Cheers! New reader? Visit the archive and enter the world of Afterlife Inc.

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